Well duh, its me!
Hello everyone at the wonders of the imaginative daveknight! I hope to make many and memorable adds to the site if I can. Hope to earn many friends here.
First off let me say that I have been in to looking at everyones work and I just decided that if anyone could do it then I could find out what programs I need to make and develop flash cartoons and games. Please, I request that any experenced newgrounder in makeing flash movies, tell me what are the best tools, where to obtain them and how to use them. I would deeply appretiate it. Thank you and I hope you like my little picture there. I love drawing skull's!
I thank you all again and hope to have a nice time here.
Welcome to Newgrounds!!
To make flash you need a flash program. Flash CS3 is the best one but it's the most complicated to use. Flash Pro 8 is a lot simpler to use and it can easily to found for free. :D
Hey ngfan 14, I appritiate the advice. I am one step closer to making movies beacause of your help. Thanks and hope to peer at some of you work as well.
P.S: Did you like the skull? lol!