Man, I have this photoshop 7 and it is awsome to use as you can see be my little picture. Hope that yall like it. Its just me with a little posterization filter. Just some of the great things that can be done with the program are fine, but I found that can make animations too using Imageready. Though I can't quite know how to transfer the animation I create in to a full flash. I know how to tween and all, but exporting them to make it a full flash animation, I stop just short of knowing how to use it. If anyone is savy in making any flash with photoshop or exporting the animation in general, send me a comment.
Plus, I got to say that I got my Awsome series t-shirt in the mail today and it f-ing rocks! Though I might have gotten the smallest one. I might end up buying a bigger one later. Well hope to hear from ya'll and thanks for not flaming me on how im a noob and just get off or whatever. I don't deserve you guys. lol
BTW, if yall didn't see my skull here it is again...
A bit too small
The skull picture? Elaborate please.